Home » WordPress hosting Newport, Gwent

WordPress hosting Newport, Gwent

WordPress Hosting Newport scenes
Some scenes around Newport Gwent

If you are looking for fast WordPress hosting in  Newport, Gwent, but with a personal service and often lots of free advice (just check out the free WordPress help on this site we give to people on the web). Then this is the place to be. We offer WordPress hosting with email from just £30 per year. Simply add a domain from £5 and you are ready to go.

WordPress Advice

Not only great hosting, but run by a professional, computer science qualified WordPress developer who does the parts other, here today, WordPress developers don’t want to reach – deep theme modifying and PHP programming.

Fair use Policy

We cater for SMEs and you will find that the server is not sluggish due to big high end users dominating the channels. Although we do not cap usage and , in the six years of operation no clients  have run out of  capacity, we do not cater for companies that have 1,000s of visits a day at the price we offer.

Migration Service

Fed up with your current hosting? We can migrate your WordPress website from your current hosting to your new one here for just £50.

No Robots here.

Ring on 079 609 46662 for a personal service and set up with a new or your old domain.

